Advanced Metering Infrastructure: Water Meter Upgrades

Project Location

Unincorporated аÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê

Project Status

Implementation: In Progress

Potable water meter box in the ground.
Potable Water Meter Box

аÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê Utilities (PCU) is committed to providing quality service to our customers and making improvements to aging infrastructure to better serve you.

We’re installing new digital meters, known as Advanced Metering Infrastructure, across our service area to provide for more precise and up-to-date water readings, which will give every customer the tools they need to save money and water by controlling their water usage and identifying leaks earlier.

Water customers will receive new digital water meters over the next four years at no additional cost to them. Authorized contractor, Pedal Valves, Inc. (PVI), began upgrades for both commercial and residential drinking and reclaimed water meters in Spring 2023.

Meter Upgrades

Upgrading your meter will take about 30 to 60 minutes. During the upgrade, water will be temporarily shut off and restored shortly after. Each customer will receive a door hanger alerting them to the installation approximately two weeks in advance. Our contractors will contact customers directly if they need help accessing or replacing a meter. Customers are advised to prepare the area around their meter by trimming bushes, removing ornamentals, vehicles, etc.

Installed Digital Meter

New Utilities Customer Portal

With this upgrade comes a new Utilities Customer Portal where you can get insights into your water usage, set up leak alerts and more. If you’re not already signed up, visit to create your account and monitor your potable and reclaimed water use anywhere, anytime.

Reclaimed Water Grace Period

Starting Jan. 16, all reclaimed water customers will have four months from the date their digitally metered water usage data is available in the new er Portal before the new rates post to their bills. This gives you time to better understand your water usage and implement water conservation measures as needed. To learn more about the new rate structure, visit pinellas.gov/pinellas-county-utilities-rate-change.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does AMI technology work?

With this digital meter technology, every customer meter within аÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê will be able to reliably measure the use of water in your home or business and automatically send a brief, private, digital message to data collection tower using a cellular signal – much like a cell phone does. The cell tower then transmits all meter reads to аÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê, where the information is processed within our billing system.

Why are the meters being upgraded?

Water meters are replaced about every 15 years to maintain accuracy. AMI, or digital meter technology, represents the latest improvement in the industry. Installing automated meters will enhance our customer service by minimizing the potential for missed or inaccurate reads and enabling us to provide faster service, better information and reliable bills for all our customers.

What is different about digital meters?

Digital meters allow real-time readings that provide a precise and timely record of your usage several times daily rather than a snapshot reading once every two months.

Is my account information secure?

Yes. Data transmitted through the system is protected.

Will service be interrupted during this process?

Service will not be disrupted while Pedal Valves, Inc. employees are verifying meter locations. There will be a temporary service interruption while meters are being replaced, which usually takes between 30 and 60 minutes. Customers will receive notices when this is scheduled to take place on their property. When installing meters, PVI installers will knock on every door to inform customers before replacing each meter. Additionally, customers will receive a written notice stating what work was completed or if there was an issue. Customers do not need to be home during the replacement.

Do I need to be home when the meter location is verified?

No. The process should average 10 minutes at each property.

How will this affect my water or reclaimed water bill?

Utilities Customer Portal users can access enhanced features which allow them to impact the portion of their bill related to volume used.

Do I have to pay for the meter?

The new potable and reclaimed water meters will be provided at no additional cost to customers. The meter is the property of аÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê Utilities. New customers connecting to the reclaimed water system will be charged the actual cost incurred for labor, equipment, fuel, maintenance, service and inspection associated with meter installation. Visit our Reclaimed Water User Fees page for more information.

How will digital meter technology benefit me?

This technology provides customers with greater control to understand and adjust water usage, thereby saving money through their efforts. It can quickly detect any irregularity in water usage, such as leaks and alert customer portal users to abrupt or abnormal changes in water usage much earlier than previously possible. It will also remove the need for manual meter readings, increasing the privacy of your home.

Is this technology safe?

Yes. The products that make up the Advanced Metering Infrastructure system are stringently evaluated for safety and meet all standards established by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Why does аÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê Utilities need to conserve reclaimed water?

Reclaimed water is a limited resource, the product of our refined wastewater processing and rainfall. Reclaimed water is the optimal resource for irrigating landscaping and lawns. The use of reclaimed water in this capacity preserves our potable water, a more expensive resource best suited for human consumption and household use.

When аÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê Utilities first made reclaimed water available, it was stated that reclaimed water would always be available in unlimited supply. What has changed?

In the past 20 years, the demand for reclaimed water has increased substantially while the volume of water entering the reclaimed water system has decreased because of higher-efficiency toilets and showers. We want to ensure this resource remains available to all customers, which is why we are installing digital meters and encourage smart
watering practices.

When will billing on reclaimed water metered usage begin?

Starting Jan. 16, all reclaimed water customers will have four months from the date their digitally metered water usage data is available in the new Utilities Customer Portal before the new rates post to their bills. This gives you time to better understand your water usage and implement water conservation measures as needed. To learn more about the new rate structure, visit pinellas.gov/pinellas-county-utilities-rate-change.

When will my installation occur?

Installations will be completed gradually based on meter reading routes throughout 2023, 2024, 2025 and 2026.

For additional information, call (727) 464-4000 or email custsrv@pinellas.gov.