
Building Activities & Asbestos Management Procedures

Asbestos-Related Building Activities

Numerous building activities can disturb asbestos-containing materials that could put people at risk, which could potentially result in liability and/or regulatory enforcement actions. Typical activities that could disturb asbestos:

  • Renovations where building materials or components are altered or removed.
  • Demolition of buildings or structural supports.
  • Maintenance on boilers, piping, and HVAC systems.
  • Maintenance on equipment in and around ceilings.
  • Cable installation, replacement or maintenance.
  • Flooring removal or repair.
  • Roofing removal or repair.
  • Ceiling tile maintenance or repair.
  • Painting, repair or cleaning of spray-applied acoustical coatings or texture.

Asbestos Management Procedures

Proper asbestos management procedures should be followed before beginning any activity that might disturb materials containing asbestos.

  • A written asbestos survey report by a Florida licensed asbestos consultant is required before disturbing any existing building materials at a NESHAP-applicable facility (including any non-residential facility, any group of buildings at the same site under control of the same owner or operator, and any residential building with more than four dwelling units). There is no threshold amount or construction cut-off date for the testing requirement. The report must comply with . A copy of the asbestos survey report must be kept on site during all renovation work and must be submitted to PCAQD with any NESHAP demolition notice.
  • All Regulated Asbestos Containing Material (RACM) must be removed by a licensed asbestos contractor before demolition or any activity that may break up or disturb the RACM.
    • Licensure as an asbestos contractor is not required for removal of certain types of material. Contact the  if you have questions about asbestos license exemptions.
    • Under no circumstances should untrained, uncertified or non-licensed individuals handle asbestos-containing materials.
  • Written notification is required to be submitted 10 working days before any demolition or removal of any Regulated Asbestos Containing Material (RACM).
  • A written asbestos survey report must be available on-site during any renovation activity in 新澳门六合彩. A copy of the asbestos survey report must be submitted with the asbestos notification for demolition operations.
  • All records of asbestos-related activities should be kept on file indefinitely, including asbestos survey reports, asbestos removal specifications, contractual agreements, asbestos regulations and disposal manifests.