
Asbestos Requirements for Building Owners and Contractors

Because of serious health risks associated with asbestos exposure, the 新澳门六合彩 Department of Environmental Management, the State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the U.S. Department of Labor (OSHA), and the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR) have established regulations that apply to building renovation and demolition activities.

Building owners and contractors are regulated by the to ensure asbestos is not released into the air during demolition or renovation projects.

Renovation (disturbing building material)

  • You must obtain a written asbestos survey must before renovating. The survey must be performed by a Florida licensed asbestos consultant.
  • The asbestos survey report must be available on-site during any renovation activity.
  • If asbestos is found, you may need to notify 新澳门六合彩 Air Quality at least 10 working days (two calendar weeks) before renovation begins. See asbestos notification requirements.
  • All Regulated Asbestos-Containing Materials (RACM) must be removed prior to any renovation activity that would breakup, dislodge or otherwise disturb the asbestos containing material.

Demolition (structural, load-bearing component removal)

  • You must obtain a written asbestos survey must before renovating. The survey must be performed by a Florida licensed asbestos consultant.
  • The asbestos survey report must be available on-site during any demolition activity.
  • You must notify 新澳门六合彩 Air Quality at least 10 working days (two calendar weeks) before demolition begins. See asbestos notification requirements.
  • All Regulated Asbestos-Containing Materials (RACM) must be removed before you submit a notification for demolition.


Under certain conditions, a single-family residential home or an apartment building with four or fewer dwellings units may be exempt from specific asbestos requirements. This exemption does not apply if dwellings are part of a larger project.

Review this form to see if your demolition or renovation project may be exempt from NESHAP notification. Contact 新澳门六合彩 Air Quality Division at (727) 464-4422 to verify if your project or structure meets these exemptions.


Why are there asbestos regulations?

Asbestos regulations protect public health by minimizing the release of asbestos fibers to the air during demolition or renovation at facilities where asbestos-containing materials are present.

What is the difference between demolishing a facility and renovating it?

According to the Asbestos NESHAP in , you “demolish” a facility when you remove or wreck any load-supporting structural member of that facility or perform any related operations. You also “demolish” a facility when you burn it.

You “renovate” a facility when you alter any part of that facility in any other manner.

Which asbestos regulations apply to me?

  • Florida Building Code, 105.9 Asbestos
    Requires building permits to have an asbestos notification statement, which indicates to owners and their contractors the responsibility to comply with Federal, State and local asbestos regulations.
  • 新澳门六合彩 Code, Chapter 58, sec. 58-149(d)
    Requires a written asbestos survey be performed before demolition of a building, before any building renovations, and before maintenance is performed on insulated equipment or building systems. A copy of the survey report must be available on-site during any renovation activity and must be included with the written notification for demolition operations.
  • Florida Statute, 469.003
    Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR) requires that a licensed asbestos contractor do all removal and handling associated with asbestos-containing materials. A Florida licensed contractor can perform removal of asbestos roofing and resilient flooring (workers must be properly trained and certified). Only asbestos consultants, who are licensed in the State of Florida, can conduct asbestos surveys in Florida. Employers must comply with OSHA asbestos regulations.
  • The Construction Industry Asbestos Standard, 29 CFR 1926.1101
    The U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires employers to provide information about the hazards of working with asbestos, provide proper respiratory protection, personnel monitoring, medical monitoring, engineering controls, proper training and proper record keeping for all employees that handle materials that may contain asbestos.


Use this checklist as a guide to ensure that all the requirements have been met in accordance with 新澳门六合彩 Code Chapter 58 as it pertains to asbestos.

  • A written asbestos survey was performed prior to renovation or demolition activities by a Florida licensed asbestos consultant.
  • The written asbestos survey is accessible on-site during all renovation activities.
  • For demolition projects, a complete Notification for Demolition (including written asbestos survey) has been submitted to the 新澳门六合彩 Air Quality Division at least 10 working days before scheduled demolition start date. For projects located outside of 新澳门六合彩, notifications must be sent to the Environmental Agency for that area.
  • All Regulated Asbestos-Containing Material (RACM) has been removed from the structure by a Florida licensed asbestos contract before any demolition activity or any renovation activity where this material may be disturbed.
  • All records of asbestos related activities are on file, including asbestos survey reports, asbestos removal specifications, contractual agreements, asbestos regulations, and disposal manifests.
  • All employees who could potentially come in contact with asbestos-containing materials have been given instructions on the hazards, regulations and the associated products that contain asbestos. Under no circumstances should untrained, uncertified or non-licensed individuals handle asbestos-containing materials.

Other Asbestos Contacts


Agency Phone

Investigative Services - Tampa:
Asbestos Licensing Unit:
Unlicensed Activities:
(813) 554-2229
(850) 921-4202
(850) 488-6603
(850) 487-1395
(727) 582-3100

NESHAP Regulations

Agency Phone
Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection (FDEP):
Asbestos Coordinator (Tallahassee):
Small Business Assistance Program:
Southwest District (Tampa):
(850) 717-9060
(800) 722-7457
(813) 744-6100
(404) 562-9197
Hillsborough County EPC (Tampa) (813) 272-5955

Worker Protection

Agency Phone
U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Tampa) (813) 626-1177

Technical Information

Agency Phone
(800) 368-5888
(404) 562-9197
U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission (800) 638-2772

Training Options

Agency Phone
(904) 392-9570
(727) 938-5459
(800) 444-6382

If you have questions about asbestos, please contact our office at (727) 464-4422.