
Secure Your Home

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Your home may be what stands between you and a disaster. There are easy things you can do now to make your home ready to withstand a strong storm, and they do not have to be expensive fixes.

Before a Storm Arrives

  • Get your supplies ready.
  • Get your plans set to secure your home and protect your family.
  • Monitor the news for evacuation orders.
  • Protect yourself by sheltering outside of the evacuation zone during the storm.


  • Shut all doors.
  • Lower antennas.
  • Shutter windows/doors.
  • Lower/remove awnings.
  • Elevate belongings and place sandbags for flooding from rain.
  • Before you leave, shut off power and/or breakers.


  • Reinforce the doors with a brace kit or use long steel or aluminum bars.
  • Place flood barriers against the bottom of the door(s) to seal the gap.
  • Lock the door.


  • Take all yard items inside. Clear balconies, steps and porches.
  • Pick up/secure loose debris.
  • Super-chlorinate your pool.
  • Remove debris from your gutters and nearby storm drains if possible.


  • Fill gas tank.
  • Check oil and water.
  • Place emergency supplies in the trunk.
  • Move to a higher location if you expect flooding.
  • If evacuating, know your route and monitor traffic reports.


  • Store your boat on land and secure to trailer.
  • Secure loose items.
  • Disconnect electric, water, fuel, other dock connections.
  • See more boating prep tips.

If you don’t have to evacuate

  • Invite others who have to evacuate to stay with you.
  • Prepare a safe room.