
新澳门六合彩 Fertilizer Ordinance

In an effort to protect our water quality and ecosystems, 新澳门六合彩’s Fertilizer Ordinance regulates certain aspects of fertilizer use. View the full for more information.

Weather and Seasonal Restrictions

No nitrogen or phosphorous may be applied to turfgrass or landscape from June 1 to September 30, or at any time of the year if the has issued any of these advisories:

  • Severe thunderstorm warning or watch
  • Flood warning or watch
  • Tropical storm warning or watch
  • Hurricane warning or watch
  • If rain forecast is greater than or equal to 2 inches within 24 hours

Fertilizer Content and Application Rate

  • Apply fertilizers at the recommended rate per Florida Friendly Best Management Practices for the Protection of Water Resources by the Green Industry.
  • Use no more than four pounds of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet per year.
  • Do not apply phosphorous unless a phosphorous deficiency is documented by a soil test.
  • No nitrogen can be applied to new turfgrass or new plantings for 30 days.
  • Granular fertilizers containing nitrogen must be 50% or more slow-release nitrogen, and up to one pound of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet can be applied per application.
  • Liquid fertilizers containing water-soluble nitrogen applied to turfgrass or landscape cannot exceed one half pound nitrogen per 1,000 square feet application.

Impervious Surfaces (Concrete or Asphalt) and Mode of Application

  • Any fertilizer on any impervious surface must be completely removed or swept/blown back on the landscape.
  • Fertilizer must be kept out of storm drains, ditches, drainage conveyances, roadways and surface waters.
  • Spreader reflector shields are required on broadcast or rotary spreaders. Deflector shields must be positioned to deflect fertilizer away from all impervious surfaces and waters.
  • Mow so that the mower shoot faces away from all impervious surfaces or water.

Fertilizer-Free Zones

For fertilizer-free zones, keep fertilizer 10 feet away from the top of the bank of any surface water, landward edge of a seawall, or a designated wetland.

Management of Vegetative Material

Keep all vegetative materials (grass clippings, leaves and other yard debris) out of stormwater drains, ditches, drainage conveyances, surface waters and roadways. Compost it, bag it or sweep/blow it back into the yard.