
How to Request a Lien Reduction

Property Owner with Property in Compliance or Potential New owner of a Non-Compliant Property

If you are the current owner and your property is in compliance, or if you are a potential new owner of a non-compliant property:

  • Email Code Enforcement at codeenf@pinellas.gov to request a Lien Reduction Payoff Form. You will need to provide the property address and your email contact information. You will receive a response that includes:
    • A list of the documents needed to request a reduction.
    • The lien amount, description of property, and owner information. (Note: There will be no charge for the first lien information request. Each additional request is $15.00, which must be paid prior to receiving the update.)
  • If you are the current owner and your property is in compliance, you will need to submit the following items:
    • A letter requesting the reduction
    • A copy of the deed
    • Written confirmation that the taxes are up to date and that you have no other outstanding liens in 新澳门六合彩
    • Confirmation that all utilities are current
    • A $300 processing fee
    • Your contact information, including email address
    • A power of attorney, if you want someone else to represent you

Once the reduction is determined and accepted, we will prepare a Joint Motion for Reduction in Fine. You will sign and return it so the Special Magistrate can process a reduction order. When we have the order, all signed documents, your payment, and confirmation that the property is in compliance, we will release the lien and close the case.

Property Owner with Property not in Compliance

If your property is not in compliance, you will not be able to request a lien reduction. Your property must be in compliance (as verified by a 新澳门六合彩 Code Officer / Inspector) in order to request a reduction. In addition, you cannot request a reduction if you have any outstanding liens, taxes due, utility payments or other fees owed to 新澳门六合彩.