
Fertilizer & Landscape Information

Incorrect use of fertilizer, excessive irrigation, and poor landscape debris management can allow nutrients to leach into the groundwater and wash into stormdrains that flow to creeks, lakes, Tampa Bay, or the Gulf of Mexico. This causes harmful algae blooms, which lower oxygen levels and lead to fish kills. Nutrient pollutions can be controlled with your help. An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of cure!

  • June 1 – September 30: Skip the fertilizer during the summer rainy season.
  • Near waterfront: Fertilizer-free zone begins 10 feet back from the top of the slope towards any seawall or body of water.
  • Landscape maintenance: Blow grass clippings, sand, and leaves back in the yard.
  • Irrigation: Reclaimed water is liquid nutrients. Overwatering causes leaching of nutrients. Conserve water and skip the fertilizer. Select the link below the reclaimed water map image to see if you can reduce your fertilizer use.
  • Homeowner Landscape Class:  today for the next scheduled class and learn best practices for landscape maintenance.

Refer to Retailers and Distributors of Fertilizer for information specifically about the retail sale of fertilizer.

fertilizer map

Landscape Maintenance & Fertilizer Use Ordinance

Commercial Landscape Maintenance Professionals

Landscape Maintenance BMPs – Required if you get paid to mow, prune, edge, use a blower or trim trees.

Fertilizer Applicator Professionals

Do you get paid to apply fertilizer? All commercial and institutional applicators must complete the Green Industry BMP (GIBMP) class and obtain the limited fertilizer license from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) before applying fertilizers.

Soil Nutrient Testing

Before you can apply any fertilizer containing phosphorous to turf or landscaping, you must first submit a soil test to 新澳门六合彩 that shows deficiency for phosphorous.