American Rescue Plan Act

ARPA Recovery Plan for 2024

Approved Projects List

аÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê is receiving approximately $189 million as part of the federal American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA). The Board of County Commissioners has approved the following list of ARPA-funded projects aimed at uplifting our community through improved pedestrian and water/wastewater infrastructure, better access to public services, ongoing pandemic response and support for local nonprofit organizations reaching areas of great need.

Negative Economic Impacts

  • Strong Healthy Communities (Neighborhood Features that Promote Health and Safety)
  • Major investments in infrastructure and neighborhood facilities in historically underserved communities

Projects in Lealman

  • Raymond Neri Park Construction: $7,099,000
    • Construction of Phase 1 and Phase 1a design elements of Raymond H. Neri Park. Improvements include entrance road, parking lot, dog parks, play fields, playgrounds, restrooms, trails, and walkways
  • 46th Ave N from 49th St N to 38th St N Roadway Improvements: $4,518,000
    • Sidewalk and drainage improvements to improve walkability
  • Sunny Acres Lawn Estates & Adjacent Subdivisions Pedestrian Improvements: $3,468,782
    • Sidewalk and drainage improvements to improve walkability
  • Lealman Drainage Improvements: $496,393
    • Sidewalk and drainage improvements to improve walkability

Projects in High Point

  • Highpoint Community Park: $6,743,000
    • Development of a 10-acre community park to include basketball courts, multipurpose fields, restroom, picnic shelter, playgrounds, walking paths, landscaping, parking and utilities
  • Highpoint Subdivision Pedestrian Improvements: $1,050,145
    • Sidewalk and drainage improvements to improve walkability
  • Russell Ave Connection: $964,186
    • Construct pedestrian connection at Russell Ave in High Point 

Projects in Ridgecrest

  • Rehabilitation of 119th Overflow Area – North Garden in Ridgecrest: $5,000,000
    • Create a publicly accessible greenspace for a variety of multipurpose activities in the heart of the Ridgecrest community
  • Taylor Lake, Ridgecrest, Oak Village Pedestrian Improvements: $1,763,824
    • Sidewalk and drainage improvements to improve walkability
  • Martin Terrace Pedestrian Improvements: $633,106
    • Sidewalk and drainage improvements to improve walkability
  • Gulf Terrace & Rainbow Village Pedestrian Improvements: $367,898
    • Sidewalk and drainage improvements to improve walkability
  • McKay Creek Greenway Connection: $302,593
    • A multipurpose trail to unite several existing parks that generally follows the course of McKay Creek along new and existing trails off of existing streets, stream or canal rights-of-way, and County land
  • Dansville Community Park at Stormwater Facility: $5,713,000
    • Create a passive community park with benches and a walking path at the stormwater facility

Projects for Kids

  • ADA/Inclusive Playgrounds: $4,500,000
    • Installation of ADA accessible playground facilities for 2-to-5 and 6-to-12-year age groups at Phillipe Park, Taylor Park, Walsingham Park, Ridgecrest Park, Eagle Lake Park and Howard Park
  • Safe Routes to Schools: $6,264,584
    • Pedestrian infrastructure improvements near elementary schools so children can safely walk to school

Assistance to Impacted Nonprofit Organizations

(Impacted or Disproportionately Impacted)

  • Non-Profit Capital Projects: $17,584,150
    • A grant to provide non-profit agencies with funding to implement capital projects to increase their capacity to serve and help them become more resilient to future crises 

Public Health

COVID-19 Vaccination

  • COVID-19 Vaccination Incentive: $3,469,375
    • A $750 incentive payment to County employees who have been vaccinated against COVID-19

Mental Health Services*

  • Sheriff Mental Health Squad: $1,000,000
    • Funds a unit in the Sheriff’s department to help deal with clients presenting mental and behavioral health issues

Public Health – Negative Economic Impact

Public Sector Capacity: Effective Service Delivery  

  • Coordinated Access Model: $1,000,000
    • A new administrative program that provides a data-informed approach to addressing mental and behavioral health needs, making it easier for residents to get the help they need from the appropriate service agencies
  • CAD & GIS Data and Integration Project: $900,000
    • Develop improved data management tools and real-time traffic routing for 911 and law enforcement responders to improve emergency response countywide
  • Human Services Software System Upgrade: $5,700,000
    • Modernization of the Human Services software systems to improve information sharing between the County and service providers while better protecting client privacy


Clean Water: Centralized Wastewater Treatment

  • South Cross Bayou Dewatering and Denitrification Improvements: $20,130,000
    • Replace and upgrade the polymer system and denitrification filters to upgrade the dewatering and nitrogen removal process, resulting in higher quality reclaimed water and reducing pollution in surrounding water bodies

Clean Water: Centralized Wastewater Collection and Conveyance 

  • Septic to Sewer Program: $2,450,000
    • Implementation of program to convert and connect residential septic systems within unincorporated аÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê to аÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê Utilities’ wastewater collection systems

Clean Water: Stormwater

  • Roosevelt Creek Channel 5 Improvements: $7,187,860
    • Lower a dam between Roosevelt Creek and Old Tampa Bay to create a more natural ecosystem, improve flood control and reduce algae issues
  • Baypointe Stormwater Conservation Area: $369,000
    • Conversion of the former Baypointe Golf Course into a regional stormwater conservation area  
  • Stormwater Starkey Facility M10 Modification: $4,555,000
    • Improve the Starkey M10 Floodplain Mitigation Area with additional storage capacity, resulting in fewer flooding events and better water quality
  • Mullet Creek Channel B Bank Stabilization: $3,823,000
    • Stabilize the creek bottom and banks to prevent erosion and provide additional floodplain storage of stormwater
  • South Myrtle Avenue Drainage: $2,515,298
    • Pedestrian infrastructure improvements and improved flood management 
  • Weedon Island Preserve Salt Marsh Restoration: $1,250,000
    • This project includes the Removal of ditches will assist in restoring the coastal habitat to function more efficiently from a water quality and ecological perspective

Provision of Government Services

  • Electric Vehicle Infrastructure: $900,000
    • Creation and implementation of a master plan for electrification of County fleet
  • Fire Training Facility Enhancements: $1,500,000
    • Provide operational training facilities for fire services needs in partnership with St. Petersburg College
  • Sidewalk Condition Index: $700,000
    • A comprehensive analysis of our sidewalk network and ADA compliance that will result in an updated condition rating for sidewalks by segment as well as an overall rating
    • Dredging of the Grand Canal in Tierra Verde: $1,746,744
    • Project includes the design, permitting, and construction of a dredging project to maintain navigational access in the Grand Canal in Tierra Verde.
  • Cybersecurity Package: $107,000
    • Technology and training to support cybersecurity and safety on County networks
  • Fiber Analysis Project: $330,000
    • Implement fiber analysis and management tools in GIS to support data-driven decisions and improve the management of the fiber infrastructure within the County
  • Toytown Study: $250,000
    • Fund the process to develop a former landfill site
  • Fueling System Retrofits: $637,000
    • Decommissioning of County-operated fuel sites in support of eventual electrification of County fleet and reduced reliance on fossil fuels
  • Lake Seminole Park Trail Sidewalk Extension: $2,200,000
    • Provide safe pedestrian and bicycle access to Lake Seminole Park from Park Boulevard main entrance
  • Transfer to Sheriff for Consolidated CAD: $8,550,760
    • Transfer to Sheriff’s Office for operational costs to free up funds in their budget to pay for the first two years of the Consolidated Computer Aided Dispatch project, which will improve emergency response countywide
  • Squad 65 Emergency Rescue Vehicle: $600,000
    • Purchase of emergency rescue vehicle
  • Pinellas Suncoast Fire Station 28 Mainland: $1,000,000
    • Construction of fire station
  • Palm Harbor Fire Station 68: $2,500,000
    • Construction of fire station

Surface Transportation

  • 22nd Avenue S. 51st Street to 34th Street: $6,289,000
    • The project consists of installation of sidewalk, roadway resurfacing, and widening for a left turn lane into Thurgood Marshall Middle School. Drainage improvements will be made within the widened portion of the project. Sidewalk improvements are necessary to provide a safe walk path for school children and other pedestrians. Drainage improvements will help prevent street flooding in the widened portion of the project
  • Pinellas Trail North Gap- Tampa Road to East Lake Road S.- Bridge Over Lake Tarpon Outfall Canal: $2,000,000
    • The project consists of constructing a 380’ pedestrian bridge over the Lake Tarpon Outfall Canal along with Concrete trail approaches and associated drainage and signing and markings
  • Bridge Replacement over Alligator Creek on Old Coachman Road: $5,693,000
    • This project is for demolishing the existing bridge and constructing a new bridge on Old Coachman Road over Alligator Creek
  • Roadway Improvements at the Intersection of Whitney Road and Wolford Road: $1,000,000
    • This project proposes roadway, drainage, sidewalk and traffic safety improvements to the intersection of Whitney Road and Wolford Road.

Administrative Expenses

  • Program Management and Accounting for ARPA: $2,220,000
    • Administrative Costs of the County ARPA program. 
  • Total ARPA funds: $188,459,069